Be prepared to be uncomfortable reading this book. This story revolves around Ravana and Bhadra's lives, their struggles, victories and death. Ramayana is a mythology which has been interpreted in many ways by many authors. Author Neelakantan has his version of Ramayana keeping Ravana as protagonist and Rama as an antagonist. This book challenges your beliefs on good vs bad, right vs wrong, Asura vs Deva, Dharma vs Karma. Was Ravana as bad as he is claimed to be? Was Ravana the mightiest emperor? Was Rama stuck in Dharma and Kartavya? Was Rama right for what he has done? Which way of living is right Asura or Deva? Who's is right and who's wrong? Who's the winner and who's the loser? Since our childhood we have heard only one side of the Ramayana, this book explores the other side of the coin. This book also takes you through the barbaric caste system which might have existed time immemorial. The author takes thr...
My intention for the life is simple. More the hardwork, more the results.